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Who or what am I?
I directed the films "To Die For" and "Good Will Hunting", who am I?
I'm an Angels outfielder who won the American League MVP in 2014. Who am I?
I've been the Queen of England since 1952. Who am I?
Who was a Lutheran pastor who also helped plot to kill Hitler during World War II?
Whose first patented invention was an electric vote-recording machine?
What is another name for Vitamin B5?
What is the name of the mutated rat on "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"?
I'm a superhero who's blind and was played by Ben Affleck in a movie. Who am I?
What is musician Freddie Mercury's real name?
Who is the actress along with her husband, Jacob Pechenik, welcomed a daughter in July 2015?
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Can you beat the score of this nurse?