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Everybody likes music, but how much do you know about it?
Cher's 'Baby I'm Yours' featured on the soundtrack of which of her films?
In which decade did Lebanon's Julia Boutros find fame?
What was the name of the band formed by then Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash in the early '90s?
Which girl was a hit for Jefferson Starship in 1986?
What was a hit for Aerosmith?
What is the official march of the Royal Navy?
What was the first album of Egyptian musician Alaa' Abd el-Khaleq?
What song features the line, "I see 10,000 chariots and they coming without horses"?
Who won the best group category at the 2019 MTV Video Music Awards?
Who composed Egyptian Fafa Fahmy's singer 'Ommy'?
We selected 3 interesting quizzes for you
Literature Quiz
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