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Who or what am I?
What is the dancing fad popularized by Chubby Checker in the 1960's?
Who said, "All that is gold does not glitter; not all those that wander are lost."?
I directed the "Saturday Night Fever" sequel, who am I?
I wrote a "Sex" book in the 1990's and sang "Like a Virgin" and "Material Girl", who am I?
Who said, "If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world."?
Who was a Lutheran pastor who also helped plot to kill Hitler during World War II?
What is the rope called that is used to raise a flag on a pole?
Who said, "A Hospital is no place to be sick."?
What is the name of the zookeeper photo fad from June 2015, inspired by the film "Jurassic World"?
I'm a superhero who's blind and was played by Ben Affleck in a movie. Who am I?
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