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Literature Quiz
What did Hermione do to Malfoy in the third book of the "Harry Potter" series?
Professor Snape is head of which house at Hogwarts?
What did Rumpelstiltskin want as payment for his help?
What 2014 novel is the third book in the "Century Trilogy", after "Fall of Giants" and "Winter of the World"?
Which author has written the "Sweet Valley" series of books?
What tall tale character was described as "half horse and half alligator"?
What happens to Mrs. Norris in the second "Harry Potter" book?
In "The Odyssey" what is Odysseus' son's name?
In the "Harry Potter" series of books, what are the names of Harry's aunt and uncle?
Grand Duke Wilfred is found in which Dr. Seuss children's book?
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