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Literature Quiz

Question 1
To which Greek God was the oak tree sacred?
Question 2
What high school did "Twilight" author Stephenie Meyer attend?
Question 3
The arrival of which character marks the start of "A Wrinkle in Time"?
Question 4
Sylvia Plath was married to which English poet?
Question 5
Which President famously said, "Read my lips-no new taxes"?
Question 6
In "The Black Stallion", what is the horse's other name?
Question 7
What vehicle did Hagrid use to deliver Harry Potter to Number 4 Privet Drive in the first book?
Question 8
Who is the "Prince" in the J.K. Rowling book "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"?
Question 9
What best-selling book is about an adolescent who is suspected of shooting her father?
Question 10
Who wrote the 1953 book "The Once and Future King"?
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